All complaints must be made directly to ***.
If you would like to express your dissatisfaction with any of our services, please follow the complaints procedure below. If you have a complaint about your lender, please contact that lender directly.
Please provide a detailed description of your complaint along with your contact information to their Compliance department at: ***
You may also direct your complaint to them by post or by telephone:
Telephone: ***
Upon receipt of your complaint, *** will do their best to resolve it by the end of the next business day.
If they are unable to do this, they will send you a prompt written acknowledgment of your complaint within three (3) working days and tell you who is handling it. In addition, they will provide you with a copy of our complaints handling procedure.
The complaint process might require an internal or external investigation, which may result in a longer resolution time. If they need to investigate your complaint further to respond fully, they will tell you and keep you regularly updated. Please note that complicated complaints might prompt a comprehensive investigation. They will send their final response as soon as possible, but in any case within eight weeks of receiving your complaint. *** regret that not all complaints can be resolved to the satisfaction of the customer.
If you are unhappy with ***’s response to your complaint, you may contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) for their consideration. The website for the FOS is Please contact the Financial Ombudsman Service within six (6) months of receiving our final response.
Note: Please ensure that you are contacting the FOS with regard to the correct party. We and *** are a brokerage service, and not a lender. We do not make credit decisions, issue loans or engage in collection activity. Please contact *** if you have a question about the identity of your lender.
The Financial Ombudsman Service
Exchange Tower
E14 9SR
Telephone: 0300 1239 123
Dispute Resolution
In addition to the options described above, you may also request a review on the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform, located at:
If you would like to make a complaint to our trade association - CFA, their contact details can be found below. As a first step, the CFA will refer your complaint to it’s chief executive (or a nominate representative) who will make sure to investigate it and send a response to you.
C/O MacIntyre Hudson
PO Box 17401
B3 2FD
Telephone: 020 3553 3668
Please be advised that you can turn to the Financial Ombudsman Service without first referring the complaint to the CFA.
If you would like to make a complaint to our regulatory body, please use the details below:
Telephone: 0800 023 4 567 (calls to this number are now free on mobile phones and landlines) 0300 123 9 123 (calls to this number cost no more than calls to 01 and 02 numbers).